Am I back?

Maybe... I won't say for sure, but I felt like writing here for a couple of days now so I figure, let's do it! It's been a while and seriously, so much change in my life. I never thought I would feel comfortable being single, but I am happier than ever. I had my fair share of ups and downs lately and I feel like I need to share some of the things I learn so I decide, what a better idea to start back writing on this blog to do a "27 things I learned in my 27 years of life". And it's pretty fitting since I'm turning 28 in a couple of weeks.

1. You will spend the rest of your life with yourself. Make sure you give yourself all the love you deserve. Put all your energy into discovering the real you.

2. Happiness is achievable if you accept it in your life. Stop running away and open up your arm.

3. Budgeting will save your ass! Do it like it's your religion.

4. You are who you are today because of every decision you made, so don't waste your time regretting anything. you don't know where you would have ended up otherwise.

5. Don't be scared of going out and don't feel bad for staying in. If you force yourself to do something, you won't enjoy it.

6. Don't depend on anyone, ever. Happiness, money, and freedom come from your very own hand.

7. If you don't like what you look like, make the effort and change it. But always do it the healthy way. Doing it for someone else will never be healthy.

8. Stop thinking it's too late, too hard or that you are not good enough. Go get it and show everyone what you can do!

9. Having cats is the best decision I have ever made! It's a great way to feel at home in an empty house, but two is more than enough I don't need another one...

10. Don't get discouraged by people telling you "you can't do it"... It will only feel better once you show them you, in fact, could.

11. And failing is never bad. It was only not meant to be. You will find a better fit, trust yourself.

12. Challenging your fear is important. It's better to be facing it head on than letting it bite you in the ass when you are not expecting it.

13.  Make friends on your own. Travel by yourself. Learn to depend on nobody. You'll feel so much more empowered! And that's just as important on your own or if you are in a relationship.

14. Not every relationship is meant to be. Friendship and couple likewise will break and it will hurt a lot. Always remember the thing you learn and let go of the hurt, there's nothing new to see in the past.

15. Exercise is vital! Something as easy as going out and taking a walk, or 3 trips to the gym per week can change you in ways you never thought possible. Your brain will feel as wonderful as your ass will look.

16. You don't need to have everything figured out. You probably never will. A house, kids, and money won't change that.

17. Planning your days is almost as important as budgeting... but you don't need to be as strict.

18. Don't be too hard on yourself. Try to think how you would feel if someone else did what makes you angry at yourself and try changing your point of view. Most of the time, in my case anyway, I wouldn't mind as much. Move on and learn from it.

19. My mom always told me: "When something is difficult, you can cry about it or laugh about it. One of these two will make you feel a lot better, choose wisely."

20. Give people the benefit of the doubt. If they disrespect you, then you don't owe them any respect.

21.  Changing your mind is normal and necessary, everybody evolves and changes. Be worried if you don't grow.

22. You spend so much time doing your job, make sure you love it!

23. Therapy will change you. It will crave you into the best you, you could ever wish for.

24. Confrontation is never easy. The only way to stop fearing it is by affronting it. Never back down because you're uncomfortable, but it's ok and important to realize and accept when you are in the wrong.

25. Try to find a balance in everything. Don't try to be too healthy or too wild. Nothing good comes from being an extremist.

26. Clean your house and throw or donate everything you don't need anymore. A cluttered house often equals a cluttered brain.

27. And finally, never apologize for being you! Be the best version of yourself and love unconditionally.

We are all different, what fit for me, won't necessarily fit for you. We are all here doing the best we can and trust me, more often than not, you are. Stop caring about unnecessary stuff that won't matter in a month and live your life to its fullest. I'll see you in a couple days, enjoy your weekend! Bye-e!!


Hi! My name is Janie, I'm a 26 years old graphic artist from Montreal. I'm passionate about fashions and arts. I have an unconditional love for make up and video game

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