Skin trouble... My story

I've been struggling with sensitive skin my whole life. It's always dry no matter how much cream I put on, my face burns with every mask I put on, it's itchy, but at the same time, I don't break out too often... So I live with it.

Since I decide to move in the middle of January though, I have been struggling with something new, eczema. It started on my leg, a big red and swollen circle of dried skin. I put cream on every night and stop shaving. It was ok, till I find the apartment in march, then it got bigger, and spread everywhere behind my calf and onto my other leg too, but smaller.

When I moved, it got crazy. I had it on my belly, tons of little itchy red dot and big mass under my boobs. It was hell! But the worst was my right eyelid. It looks like my skin is peeling, but it's super itchy and even if the dried skin falls, it just comes back the same.

Since the end of April, almost everything is gone. I know I was subject to a lot of stress so I did not go to the doctor, I knew that a lot of rest and moisturizing daily would do the trick. But the eyelid thing did not go away. I stop taking picture of my right side so I don't think you can really see it in my last makeup post, but every time I put eyeshadow, it looks awful!

So I decide I would stop wearing makeup for a couple of weeks to see if it helps or not. When I say no makeup, I mean no makeup where I have eczema, I will still do the cat eye and put concealer on, a little powder here and there, but not a full face. It should probably help with my skin, which as been breaking out more often now than before (probably also due to a no so healthy diet...).

I would try to update you on the matter, probably bring back a similar kind of post as the 90 day challenge I was doing last year but about my skin. I would also do a tutorial on the makeup look I will wear for the next week on Friday so stay tuned for that! If you also struggled with eczema, leave me suggestions on the comment, I would highly appreciate it. I would talk to you real soon! Bye-e!!!


Hi! My name is Janie, I'm a 26 years old graphic artist from Montreal. I'm passionate about fashions and arts. I have an unconditional love for make up and video game

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