Inhale... exhale

I'm at the spa... relaxing. Starting a year is always stressful. People always talk about new year new me, and to a certain extend I can understand. I don't think I would be able to change my whole me, but I still see a new year as a new beginning. Last year, I started a new job in the beginning of January, this year, I don't have anything as drastic as that, but I still have a new mind set. I need to focus more on me.

 I spend a lot of my time making sure everybody around me are ok and worrying about there well being. I need to focus more on me. I need to be more happy and, by doing that, my friend and family will gain much more from me. More and more, I realize how unhappy I am. And the fact that I have no one but me to blame for it is truly hard to accept. Of course, there is some people around me that I should not give as much importance as I do right now, but I am still the one to blame since I'm the one giving them the attention.

I need to find myself, realize who the real Janie is. This is the part I struggle with the most. I hate knowing that even after 26 years, I still don't really get who I am. Who I am? That's my goal for 2017! this year, I will finally be able to answer that question.

What are your goal for 2017? Something you can all be sure of is that I will still be there all year to entertain you and talk about makeup and life and stuff ;) I'am greatful for each and every one of you! And to a wonderful year! Bye-e!


Hi! My name is Janie, I'm a 26 years old graphic artist from Montreal. I'm passionate about fashions and arts. I have an unconditional love for make up and video game

1 commentaire:

  1. Se trouver est une grosse mission ! Et peu importe ce que tu découvriras sur cette Janie que tu es cette année je peux t'assurer que je vais l'adorer et faire possible pour l'aider dans sa quête. Prendre conscience de qui on est, ce qu'on aime, ce qu'on veut et ce qu'on merite...cest une sensation geniale et le bonheur vient avec ..! Xoxox

